Student Chapters

Material Advantage Chapters give you a much-needed edge in the global job market and the knowledge, experience and networking you need to begin your career successfully.

You’ll find Material Advantage Chapters at more than 75 top schools of materials science and engineering throughout the world. Through the Material Advantage Program, you can learn and sharpen the skills you need to become a successful engineering professional and a future leader of your society.

For more information on Material Advantage Chapter Operations, contact

Material Advantage Chapter Benefits

Get involved in your Material Advantage chapter to meet other engineering students and professionals. It’s a great way to make new friends and start forming a network of contacts that can help you throughout your career.

Financial Support
Every newly created Material Advantage Chapter receives a one-time start-up payment of $150. Then every year, active Material Advantage Chapters receive a check in the form of a $5 rebate for each active chapter member. This rebate enables chapters to get involved in more activities and develop stronger technical programs.

Chapter Travel Grants for Conferences
Material Advantage Student Chapters are eligible for chapter travel grants to the three partner society conferences (MS&T, TMS’ annual meeting, and AISTech).  Total funding available is US$24,000 annually to chapters.

Leadership Development
As you work through the various levels of chapter management, you gain valuable leadership skills that will help you throughout your career, as a team member, as a professional manager and as a leader of your societies.

Being involved in a Material Advantage chapter means staying up to date on society activities, including scholarships, conferences, workshops, publications and contests.

Awards and Recognition
Chapters can achieve special recognition through two annual programs: Chapters of Excellence Awards and the Membership Challenge.

Perks for Faculty Advisors
Faculty Advisors receive a free year of membership in ACerS, AIST, ASM International, and TMS (if the chapter submits its annual report before the deadline).

Chapter Resource Library

Start a New Chapter

To form a new student chapter, follow these steps:

  1. Seek the support of a faculty member who is an ACerS, AIST, ASM, or TMS member and who will agree to act as the chapter’s faculty advisor.
  2. Meet to discuss the reasons to form a student chapter.
  3. Elect an Executive Committee consisting of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
  4. Complete and submit the following 5 documents at the same time:

Annual Report

  • This essential document enables the chapter to evaluate its progress and successes
  • Primary documentation – the society maintains copies of the report in the chapter’s permanent files
  • A chapter is not considered active if the report is not received
  • Reports must be submitted no later than June 1

Annual Report & Officer List

Chapters of Excellence Nomination

  • Must be submitted via a file upload in Annual Report and Officer List Online Form.

Nomination Criteria and Guidelines: