Financial Benefits

Student Chapters: Membership rebates

Student chapters who meet the Chapter in good standing criteria are eligible for a $5 rebate per paid student member. Rebates are calculated at the end of the first week of January and sent to the chapter within February of each year.* Note that memberships expire on December 31st each year. Only those who have renewed for the coming year (by January 1st) are counted for rebates. *Rebate amounts that total less than the issuing threshold (USA/Canada > $35; International > $65) will be held in an account by ASM and not issued directly to the chapter. Funds can be requested at any time by reaching out to

Student Chapters: Travel Grants for Conferences

Material Advantage Student Chapters are eligible for chapter travel grants to the three partner society conferences (MS&T, TMS’ annual meeting, and AISTech).  Total funding available is US$24,000 annually to chapters.

Free or highly reduced conference registration fees

Student members are eligible for free or extremely reduced conference registration fees to any ACerS, AIST, ASM and TMS meetings and conferences.

Room Monitor/Paging Opportunities

Paid Room Monitor/Paging positions are available at society meetings to help defray the costs of attending. Student members are eligible for room monitoring opportunities at most major ACerS, AIST, and ASM events. Students receive a stipend for their efforts and all room monitor positions are filled on a first-come basis.