MS&T Contests

Visit the Materials Science & Technology (MS&T) website for complete up-to-date details on meeting-related contests.
Material Advantage Undergraduate Student Poster Contest
The purpose of this contest is to encourage undergraduate students to present their undergraduate research experiences and to improve their communication skills. The poster entered must be the work of an undergraduate and completed during the undergraduate education of the student.
The work presented in the poster does not have to be performed at the student’s home institution, but could be, for example, from a project performed as part of a co-op experience, a summer internship, or a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) project.
First, second and third places will be given in the amounts of $250, $150, and $100 respectively. All undergraduate students are eligible to enter the poster contest. The winners will be announced at the student awards ceremony each year at MS&T.
Material Advantage Graduate Student Poster Contest
The purpose of the contest, open to current graduate students pursuing M.S. or Ph.D. degrees, is to recognize superior research performed during graduate study. Posters must be accepted for the MS&T technical program to be entered into the contest. Entries will be displayed in the general poster session.
If you are pursuing an M.S. or Ph.D. degree and your poster abstract has been accepted into the MS&T technical program, you are eligible to enter. First, second and third place prizes will be given in the amounts of $250, $150 and $100, respectively.
Student Poster Contest Guidelines
See the documents below that will apply to each poster contest noted above.
Material Advantage Undergraduate Student Speaking Contest
MS&T is the host to the Material Advantage Virtual Undergraduate Student Speaking Contest. The purpose of the contest is to encourage undergraduate students to present technical papers and to improve their presentation skills. The presentation subject must be technical but can relate to any aspect of materials science and engineering. One contestant from a university is able to compete in this contest.
Cash prizes to be awarded to contest winners are as follows: $500 for first place, $250 for second place, $150 for third place, and $100 for fourth place. See below for contest rules, grading sheets, and the winner reporting form.
Other Contests and Competitions
ACerS Basic Science Division Ceramographic Competition and Roland B. Snow Award
The Roland B. Snow award is presented to the Best of Show winner of the Ceramographic Exhibit & Competition, an annual poster exhibit to promote the use of microscopy and microanalysis as tools in the scientific investigation of ceramic materials. The competition is held during the ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T and entries are prominently displayed in the Convention Center. Winning entries may appear on the back covers of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society throughout the year.
Prizes are awarded for first, second and third in each category. View the submission categories and rules for entry.
ACerS PCSA Creativity Competition
Combining both science and art into any one individual’s skill set is important because it can help nurture creativity in research and cultivate innovation in the workplace. For this reason, ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA) organizes the ACerS PCSA Creativity Competition.
This competition serves to encourage the harmonious coexistence of art and science in the ceramics and glass community. Students who dabble in ceramic and glass-related arts either for their research or just for fun are encouraged to share their talent!
AIST Student Project Presentation Contest – First Place ($1,500), Second Place ($1,000), Third Place ($500)
The Association for Iron & Steel Technology invites undergraduate students pursuing a degree in materials science, engineering or other related fields to participate in this annual contest at AISTech. All undergraduate students who have completed a project or paper may register to participate in this contest. The topic of the project is unlimited but should be technical in nature. Eight students are selected to present their research in 15-minute sessions to a panel of steel industry. Each participant will receive $300 toward travel expenses.
AIST Graduate Student Poster Contest – First Place ($1,500), Second Place ($1,000), Third Place ($500)
Full-time graduate students attending AISTech are encouraged to enter a poster in this annual competition. Poster subject must be related to the iron and steel industry, properties or applications. For more information, visit
The AIST Foundation Real Steel Video Contest
Flex your creative muscles and enter the AIST Foundation Real Steel Video Contest! This contest challenges high school and university students to research the steel industry and produce a three-minute original video that educates viewers on a specific theme. Visit for complete contest rules.
The deadline to enter is 31 October. All video submissions must be received by 31 December.
ASM International Graduate Student Paper Contest
The award recognizes the best graduate student technical paper in the field of materials science or engineering submitted during the year.
ASM International Student Paper Contest
The award recognizes the best student technical paper in the field of materials science or engineering submitted during the year.
HTS/Bodycote Best Paper in Heat Treating Contest
The ASM Heat Treating Society established the Best Paper in Heat Treating Award in 1997 to recognize a paper that represents advancement in heat treating technology, or promotes heat treating in some substantial way or represents a clear advancement in managing the business of heat treating.
For information on all ASM Paper Contests, visit: ASM Student Paper Contests.
TMS Best Paper Contest
Sponsored by the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), the Best Paper Contest is open to both undergraduate and graduate student entries. Students are encouraged to submit essays on global or national issues as well as technical research papers, relating to any field of metallurgy or materials science. Students should display original thought and creativity in the development of the essays, which should include a comprehensive bibliography on which the paper is based.
To enable recipients to receive the award in person, $250 of each prize is to be used to offset travel expenses.
Submission Deadline: May 1st of each year
For eligibility requirements, guidelines and procedures, please visit: TMS Best Paper Contest.
TMS Bladesmithing Competition
- The TMS Bladesmithing Competition challenges university students in minerals, metals, or materials disciplines to hand-forge a blade, with teams from around the world competing every other year at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition. In alternate years, students can present their bladesmithing research at the TMS Bladesmithing Symposium. The winning team receives the TMS-Wadsworth-Sherby Bladesmithing Grand Prize, which includes a $2,000 award.
TMS Technical Division Student Poster Contest
Featuring both Undergraduate & Graduate Awards
The five technical divisions of TMS are very excited to sponsor the student poster contest at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Both undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to participate in this dynamic and interactive event.
- Functional Materials Division
- Extraction & Processing Division
- Light Metals Division
- Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division
- Structural Materials Division
Contest Participant Qualifications
In addition to developing poster presentations of technical interest to individuals in the various technical divisions, participants must satisfy the following qualifications:
- Authors must be full-time students who are pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees.
- Authors must register to attend the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition and be present to put-up and take-down the posters.
- Authors must be present during a scheduled “Exhibit Showing” (similar to a science fair) to answer questions and discuss their work.
- Each author may use up to a 35″ x 35″ space. If poster exceeds this space, it will be neither presented nor eligible for contest. (Authors are assigned display numbers prior to the conference to designate where presentations should be posted.)
- Visual aids that could clarify the results of your own work are encouraged. Do not, however, post your paper text. Graphics should be simple, colorful, well labeled and clear. The title should be written in letters 2- to 5-cm high, and all material should be readable from a distance of 2 m.
To participate, complete and submit your application at Log in (or register as a new user), click on the meeting icon and select “Technical Division Student Poster Contest” from the list. Applicants must choose to submit their poster to one of the five TMS technical divisions.
You must apply no later than December 1 of the year prior to the TMS Annual Meeting at which you plan to participate.