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Material Advantage™ Contacts
Each of the four partners — ACerS, AIST, ASM and TMS — in the Material Advantage™ student program provide a staff liaison for the day-to-day business. Below are the current staff contacts for each and a brief description of the partner’s role in the administration of the program.

ACerSDanielle Wilmot, The American Ceramic Society, +1.614.794.5871. ACerS is responsible for the Material Advantage™ website and special programming, such as Congressional Visits Day and various student contests at MS&T.

AISTCourtney Young, the Association for Iron & Steel Technology, +1.724.814.3096. AIST is responsible for marketing the Material Advantage™ student program and producing the monthly Material Advantage Newsletter.

ASM InternationalDrew Fleming, ASM International, +1.440.671.3874. ASM is responsible for administering the Material Advantage™ chapters and various chapter awards, such as Chapters of Excellence.

TMSCourtney Hammer, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, +1.724.814.3172. TMS is responsible for administration of Material Advantage™ memberships, including annual dues.