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Membership Benefits
- Over $800,000 in scholarships and grants is available to Material Advantage members through the individual partner societies and Material Advantage program! Eligibility is based on each individual Society’s scholarship program.
- Members receive access to the “Members Only” area of each partner society’s website. A unique username and password to each website provides access to membership directories, as well as many other resources and benefits.
- Every student member receives online access to all four partner organizations’ monthly magazine/journal: The American Ceramic Society’s Bulletin (ACerS), Iron & Steel Technology (AIST), Advanced Materials & Processes (ASM), and JOM (TMS). Student members will be mailed a print copy of the following issues:
- ASM: Students may request (through a link which will be sent via email) to receive the magazine by mail (in print).
- AIST: Students may request print copies of Iron & Steel Technology by contacting AIST’s Courtney Young.
- Qualify for Room Monitor positions at society meetings to help defray the costs of attending
- Receive free access to ACerS’ ceramicSOURCE products/services and company directory, ASM’s Desk Editions, and the PE Study Guide.
- Access to and the AIST Resource Center.
- Qualify for discounted registration fees to ACerS, AIST, ASM and TMS sponsored meetings and short courses.
- Qualify for discounted pricing on books, papers, CDs, software, videos, and more.
- Receive full electronic access to the TMS journals Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, Journal of Electronic Materials, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, and Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A and B, as well as to the online TMS Member Library and an additional 20 journals published by Springer.
- Gain access to the TMS Career Center, where you can post your resume and apply for internships and job opportunities
- Monthly student eNewsletters from each Material Advantage Partner Society detailing that latest student opportunities and program information.
- Exclusive access to member-only informational webinars.
- Access to a variety of scholarships and awards plus the eligibility to compete in a number of society-sponsored contests.
- Access to ASM Connect, where members can ask questions, building relationships, and contribute to ongoing discussions.
- Ability to affiliate with an ASM Professional Chapter at no extra charge!
- Access to over 20 journals through ASM.
- The option to post your resume and search jobs through the ASM CareerHub.