Welcome to the Material Advantage™ student program, the premier membership option for students who want to make the most of their Materials Engineering experience! Once you’ve become a Material Advantage™ member, you’ll quickly see that “Everything Else is Immaterial!”
Material Advantage™ provides a single low-cost membership that provides access to the materials science and engineering professional’s most preeminent societies:
ACerS – The American Ceramic Society
AIST – Association for Iron & Steel Technology
ASM International – The Materials Information Society
TMS – The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society

By exploring our site you will see the value of Material Advantage™, the opportunities for your personal development through chapter participation, and the long-term benefits of building your career foundation right now!

“My Material Advantage Chapter received full funding to attend Material Advantage’s Congressional Visits Day (CVD) in Washington, D.C. CVD allows for materials science students to meet with representatives to advocate for research and development. Speaking with members of Congress about improving federal support encouraged me to discover my passion for STEM policy. My participation in CVD pushed me to apply and ultimately be selected for an internship in a U.S. Representatives office.”
Melanie Buziak,
Materials Science and Engineering
University of Tennessee – Knoxville