
Author: Kameron Haines

Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities at NIST

Material Advantage Faculty Advisor Workshop

Hey Faculty Advisors!  Did you miss the workshop on Wednesday, December 14?  You’re in luck…Click here to view Read more…

2011 Scholarship Recipients

Research Experience for Undergraduates – Advanced Metallurgical Design for Transportation, Infrastructure, and Energy

The Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department at the Colorado School of Mines is hosting an NSF REU site Read more…

Material Advantage Staff Contacts

Each of the four partners, ACerS, AIST, ASM and TMS, in the Material Advantage student program provides a Read more…

Save the Date for Congressional Visits Day 2012

Let your voice be heard April 17 – 18, 2012, in Washington, D.C. Congressional Visits Day (CVDs) gives Read more…

Fundraising Ideas for Chapters

Material Advantage designates a theme for each monthly newsletter.  November’s theme is:  Fundraising Ideas for Chapters If you have an Read more…

Congratulations to All MS&T’11 Student Contest Winners

PhD Scholarship Opportunity in Australia

The MMI-CSIRO Materials Science PhD Scholarship is open to both Australian and international students who will enroll or Read more…

MS&T’11 Advance Program Available

Wondering about MS&T’11?  Find out more regarding registration, student activities, travel, lodging, and much more! Download the Advance Program today. Read more…