October 5, 2023
The Materials Science & Technology 2023 Technical Meeting & Exhibition (MS&T23) was held this week from 1-4 October 2023. Registrants watched plenary and award sessions, visited the exhibit hall, participated in multiple student events and contests, and had access to hundreds of technical presentations and posters.
Students from all around the world worked diligently to present their academic research to fellow MS&T23 attendees, and we are happy to announce this year’s winners!

Material Advantage Graduate Student Poster Contest
1st Place – $250
Javier Mena – Garcia
Pennsylvania State University
Designing Novel Dielectric Composites with High Thermal Conductivity via Cold Sintering
2nd Place – $150
Mohammad Fatin Ishtiyaq
University of Connecticut
High-throughput Approach for Predicting Optical Properties of Crystals
3rd Place – $100
Aditi Dahiya
Washington State University
Synergistic Effects of Carvacrol and Curcumin Nanoparticle on 3D Printed Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering
Material Advantage Undergraduate Student Poster Contest
1st Place – $250
Jade Beland
University of Nevada, Reno
Iron Phosphate Waste Forms
2nd Place – $150
Erin Senvardarli
Northwestern University
Type 1 Hot Corrosion of Refractory Metal-Silicides
3rd Place – $100
Abigail Stanlick
Iowa State University
Development of Gas Atomization for Polymer Processing
Material Advantage Undergraduate Student Speaking Contest
1st Place – $500
Alice Gao
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Cubic Power! How the Internal Structure of Hpid Nanoparticles (LNPs) impacts RNA delivery
2nd Place – $250
Jade Beland
University of Nevada, Reno
Bismuth-loaded Silica Xerogles for iodine capture
3rd Place – $150
Julia Chen
Pennsylvania State University
LionGlass: A Sustainable Phosphate-Based Glass Composition
4th Place – $100
Xavier Fross
Colorado School of Mines
Hyrdogen Embrittlement and The Future of Energy Transportation
Material Advantage Ceramic Mug Drop Contest
Organized by Keramos
Winner – $100 and trophy
Robbie Nollett
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Most Aesthetic Mug – $50
Yang Xie
Wuhan University
Material Advantage Ceramic Disc Golf Contest
Organized by Keramos
Winner – $100 and trophy
Cole Harsa
Virginia Tech University
Most Aesthetic Disc – $100
Abby Sreden
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Thank you to this year’s contest participants for your efforts. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at MS&T24 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA!
MS&T23 Student Contest Awardees (PDF)