CVD — Educating About the Importance of Basic Research & Development!

Congressional Visits Day (CVD) was held last week in Washington, D.C., USA. Organized by Material Advantage, CVD is an annual event that brings students to Washington to educate congressional decision makers about the importance of funding for basic science, engineering and technology.

A total of 37 students and faculty participated in the event from the following universities:

Case Western Reserve University
Colorado School of Mines
Drexel University
Iowa State University
Michigan Technological University
Missouri University of Science & Technology
The Ohio State University
Purdue University
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Virginia Tech
Washington University in St. Louis


Special thanks to Dr. David Bahr, head and professor of materials engineering at Purdue University, and Dr. Iver Anderson, senior metallurgist at Ames Laboratory and adjunct professor in the Materials Science and Engineering department at Iowa State University, for conducting the training on how to visit with legislators and their assistance over the years in helping to coordinate CVD!  Dr. Bahr and Dr. Anderson both serve on the Material Advantage Committee, an advisory committee that provides recommendations and feedback about the program to the four partnering organization’s leadership.